Yogurt May Help Manage High Blood Pressure, Study Says


New research from the University of South Australia says that a daily serving of yogurt could be the next best food for people with high blood pressure. This could be a dollop of your morning cereal or a quick snack on the go. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a serious condition that affects millions … Read more

Is L-theanine Effective For Weight Loss And Memory Enhancement?

L-theanine is an amino acid found mostly in green tea. It is thought to have various therapeutic benefits on the mind and brain, including the ability to alleviate stress and anxiety. However, it is not a common chemical in our everyday diet, so L-theanine health supplements are becoming popular. What Exactly Is L-Theanine? L-theanine, also … Read more

How Fast Does Adderall Tolerance Build and What Can You Do About It?

Adderall is the preferred medication for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In certain rare situations, it may also be used to treat narcolepsy or encourage weight reduction. Because of its reputation for boosting attention, it is also illegally taken by kids and adults who need assistance concentrating on a task. Whatever the method used, … Read more

How Much Damage Can Anabolic Steroids Do?


Have you ever wondered how those bulky and built up weightlifters got so giant and size? Of course, while some of them have gotten to that kind of a huge and majestic body following a strict diet and weightlifting, others may have got there by using illegal steroids. For those who don’t know steroids or … Read more