How Accurate Are Herpes Blood Tests?

You may be stressed thinking whether you have herpes, after seeing some of the symptoms, because you were exposed or any other matters. The best way to confirm your doubts regarding being infected by the disease is to get a herpes blood test done before it is late.

If you get the test, it helps you make sure that you are infected or not infected, but there are always doubts about the accuracy of this herpes blood test. In most cases, the test gives the perfect results helping the person confirm their condition, and it is to be understood that no test can work each time accurately.

The person who undergoes this test always remains eager to know about the results, whether positive or negative. If the test result turns positive falsely, it is tough to balance the damage caused by the person’s emotional stress.

Herpes Blood Tests

Know about herpes

Herpes is a disease caused by the infection of a contagious virus known as herpes simplex virus. The infected person will have blisters or sores around the mouth or genitals with several other symptoms. There are two types of herpes- HSV-1 or HSV-2 that a person can come into contact with.

  • HSV-1 mainly affects the mouth, tongue, or surrounding; this causes oral herpes.
  • HS-2 is transmitted through sexual contact with the infected person, and this causes genital herpes.

The people who have herpes infection will have this for a lifetime, even some people never show any symptoms, but if the signs are visible, it helps you know about the types of herpes you are affected with. HSV affects many people around the world; this cannot be cured through medications, but taking treatment can reduce the intensity of symptoms. Some of the reactions in your body that helps you to understand whether you are infected or not are:

  • This disease’s typical symptoms are pain, itching, fever, fatigue, and they feel unwell mostly.
  • People with oral herpes will have sores or blisters around the lips, face, tongue, and mouth, which usually remains for at least 2-3 weeks.
  • People infected by genital herpes will have sores developed on or around their genital parts, even at other areas of the skin. The person may suffer pain during urination, and the vaginal discharges may show considerable change. In the beginning, the developed sores can last up to 2-6 weeks in the infected person’s body part.
  • The symptoms of both types of herpes are recurring, but the severity and time of retaining will be less compared to the initial days.

Knowing the causes of this disease is necessary to avoid getting infected or infecting others,

  • The disease is on the skin, so it has a high chance of spreading through contact with the infected parts like moist skin of mouth or genitals.
  • If the infected person is having anal or vaginal sex without using protections like a condom, there is a high chance of getting infected.
  • The infected people should not share their sex toys with others because it increases others’ exposure to the virus.
  • The most contagious time of the herpes virus is during the first appearance of the symptoms and when they start healing from the body parts. Any oral or genital contact with the infected person can transmit the disease to others.
  • If a mother is giving birth to a child when she has sores of genital herpes, there is a high chance that the baby getting infected by the HSV.

Herpes blood test and results

  • The test is used for diagnosing both HSV-1 and HSV-2, which is performed for people who have the symptoms or close contact with an infected person.
  • These tests are type-specific glycoprotein G-based that are used to detect any antibodies’ presence to the herpes virus in the blood.
  • If the blood test shows the antibodies of HSV-2, you can confirm that you are infected by genital herpes.
  • The commonly affecting is HSV-1, which is an oral infection, but still, there are chances for people with HSV-1 getting a genital infection and, in some cases, the type of herpes cannot be determined.
  • The disease symptoms may tend to develop 2 to 20 days after getting exposed to the virus, so if you check as soon as the exposure, it may show negative but turns positive within days.

False test results

Usually, the herpes blood tests give the person accurate results, but it may go wrong when everyone should know. There are concerns regarding the faulty positive effects of the herpes blood tests.

This can happen with any of the diagnostic tests, but as this is a lifelong infection, it badly affects the person, which worries the researchers in the field. Considering these factors, this test is advised only to people with herpes symptoms or to the high risk persons of infection, like the partner of a patient with genital herpes.

These are the prominent cases when these tests are performed as there is a fear about balancing the emotional health of the people taking the test when they get faulty positive results.

How the blood test results help herpes infected person?

This is a diagnostic test that, if done accurately, must be aware of their condition. This helps prevent transmission of the disease unknowingly and take the medications that can help them reduce the symptoms. If you are tested herpes positive, know these things that may help you in handling the disease effectively,

  • There is no treatment for the complete cure from this infection, and once you are infected, it remains for a lifetime. But there are anti-viral medicines that can prevent the multiplying of the virus.
  • You can get some creams that can help you manage the symptoms of the disease like itching, pain, or other irritations on the skin. Maintaining hygienic conditions and using medications is essential to avoid spreading them to your partner.
  • If the infected person has severe pain, they can opt for pain relief medications only under a professional’s guidance. They should wear loose clothes if they want to prevent irritation in the infected areas.
  • When the symptoms are active, the person should refrain from sexual activities, as this period have a high chance of spreading the infection to your partner. Even when you are involved in sexual activities other times, make sure that you use protection due to this viral infection.
  • If you have a cold sore around the mouth or parts nearer, avoid kissing or having oral sex with your partner as they become more exposed to the virus.
  • The infected person should clean their hands every time, especially when they have touched the infected body parts.
  • There are factors like stress, tiredness, illness, skin infections, or others acting as triggers to the recurring symptoms, and these should be avoided to decrease the outbreaks.

Final thoughts

A high population of people is getting affected by HSV every year, and they have a chance of transmitting to others as well if not cared for properly. The initial symptoms of this disease are very evident in most persons. Only in rare cases is it not shown with the expected intensities.

The recurring symptoms also happen to the person, with fewer effects for a short period, which can be reduced through proper medications. So, the people showing the signs of both oral and genital herpes should take the herpes blood test to confirm the disease.

There are few chances to get faulty test results, which is a drawback with this diagnosing process. But you will have to take the test if you have doubts about being exposed to this viral infection; if you turn positive, inform your partner about this medical condition as they may also need to get tested.

It is a stressful situation in most people’s lives, but hiding your disease will not do anything good for you; but by sharing your worries, people can handle this situation. Though no permanent cure exists for this infection, several methods can provide you relief from the irritations caused and prevent the spreading of the infection to your partner.

If you have any symptoms or doubts regarding being exposed to the herpes virus, confirm it through the blood test with the guidance of a physician.

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